At Issue Index  

 M. L. Andreasen

Virginia Duffie Steinweg, the author of this book, was a language teacher by profession. Born in Battle Creek, Michigan, she was educated at Emmanuel Missionary College (now Andrews University) and the University of Michigan. She and her husband, Bruno, who researched the material for some of the last chapters of this book, spent most of their years of service as overseas missionaries.

Published 1979 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D.C. 
Reproduced by  permission. 
All rights reserved.

M. L. Andreasen (1876-1962) is probably best known by present generations of Adventists for his protests against church leaders during the last years of his life.  This is not only unfortunate but highly ironic when one considers his long years of active and faithful service to the church and his disapproval of just such public controversy as he himself stirred up in his last years.

But, greatly disturbed by what he considered to be false teachings in the book Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine,  when his first protests to church leaders did not yield the results he wanted, he penned what were known as "Letters to the Churches," in which he strongly and publicly expressed his dissent. The controversy thus generated resulted in his ministerial credentials being temporarily withdrawn.  Unfortunately, though the rift between himself and leaders was repaired, the controversies sparked by his actions not only did not die out with his passing, but took on a life of their own as others of like opinions gave them ever broader circulation and expression.

This book, however, does not focus upon these last six years of his life nor upon theological controversies, but rather upon M. L. Andreasen, the person, unfolding  his life in an "eminently readable style from his boyhood in Copenhagen, Denmark, through his years in America as pastor, evangelist, administrator, seminary teacher, author, and dean of Adventist theologians".  

Virginia Steinweg, the author, has skillfully woven together pages from Andreasen's own unfinished autobiography with the results of her own research to bring us a many faceted view of the man, his life, thought, attitudes and relationships.  


Table of Contents

At Issue Index