At Issue
Welcome to SDAnet's At Issue pages. Here you will find papers, discussions, and links to other resources which are relevant to current issues faced by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Click on the topics, go directly to our newest additions, or scroll down the page for a list of titles in each topic.


Ellen White and Adventisim

End Time Prophecy



Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual Warfare


Women in Ministry


Thoughtful selections of an inspirational character...


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At Issue examines the historical role and relevance of Ellen White for the SDA church and presents papers which chart a course for defining her role in ways that will become increasingly relevant in the 21st century.

At Issue takes seriously both the biblical promises of the gifts of the Spirit and its warnings about satanic activity in the end times. We present papers and resource links that endeavor to guide in these areas.

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