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Seventh-day Adventist Media Outlets

* Adventist Communication Network
* aToday--The Adventist Today website
* AIR--an Adventist Internet Resources directory
* Lifestyle Magazine
* It Is Written
* Positive Life Radio
* LifeTalk Radio
* Amazing Facts
* Voice of Prophecy
* Adventist World Radio
* Review and Herald Publishing
* Pacific Press Publishing
* Three Angels Broadcasting Network
* Oakwood College Radio-WOCG 90.1 FM

Seventh-day Adventist Network Resources

* Adventist Connections
* General Conference
* SDA Yearbook
* Adventist Education Net
* Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and universities
* Adventist Plusline
* E.G. White Estate
* TAGnet
* Seventh-day Adventist Educational Institutions
* Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists
* SDA Institutions around the world
* Seventh-day Adventist Churches Home Page Directory
* Open Directory Index on Seventh-day Adventists
* Yahoo index on Adventists

Bible Study Forum

* Discover Bible Guides On-Line
* Bible Information Online
* Amazing Facts Study Guides Online
* Bible
* SSnet--Adult Sabbath School Lessons
* Adventist Information Ministry
* Daniel Prophecy Study series

Other SDA and Christian Ministry Resources

* Health Expo Lifestyle Programs (HELP)
* Weimar Institute
* Newstart Lifestyle Program
* Selected Christian Music Sites
* Wild World Wide Web Sites for Youth Leaders
* Maranatha Volunteers International
* Cross Search - Religious Resources Search Engine
* SDA Links By Special Request

For those wanting to learn about writing documents to be put on the web, this is a good place to start.
This page has been accessed times since March 12, 1997.

SDAnet is a media organization operated in the public interest by members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While the owners and operators of SDAnet are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, they are not acting in any way as official spokespersons for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Except for those contributions which are clearly labeled as official Seventh-day Adventist Church material, the opinions expressed by contributors to the various SDAnet activities are those of the individual authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners and operators of SDAnet.